I spent a lot of time sewing today, hours of it to make this, Papa's Star.
Keep in mind that this is a DJ block, 5 inches square, so that @!%# middle star is 1 inch square. I figured that the only way to tackle it was paper piecing, but even then the pieces were too small to sew together. It's hard to describe how I actually had to do it, but let me just say that I was glad there was no one else in the sewing room to hear what came out of my mouth! As I've said earlier, I've saved the hardest ones for last, and this one definitely qualifies for that. It's surely not perfect, but it's done!! Yea for me!
Purple Plan
1 day ago
Wow! - you did such a great job
It looks better than done. One time a speaker at our guild (I think it was Michelle Scott) said, "Done is better than perfect" and that stuck with me ever since!
Lovely Block well done
Hugs Janice
it looks great Cecelia......i can't wait to see all these made into a quilt, wow
Wow!! Good job! Crazy little block, huh!
It's a lovely block! Wow...tiny star would have to be paper pieced I'm sure!
Wow, 5 inches? You did a wonderful job and should be commended on your level of patience in completing it. Great job!
I just started my DJ also. Come on over to my blog and see what I have done so far by clicking on the DJ quilt on my side bar. You have me a bit scared now to attempt this block. But boy yours looks wonderful!
I had tried this "beauty" perhaps 5 times? And I'm POSITIVE that the words that came out of MY mouth ressembled those from a drunken sailor's mouth! Nasty... just plain nasty! LOL
Finally, I figured it would be best to do ALL my DJ triangles AND DJ blocks and save this one for the VERY LAST! It was a do or die kinda deal.
And would you believe that I only had to do it once, this time and it looked fairly decent? I had told myself that if THIS time it didn't turn out, I'd be painting that durn star onto fabric!
Glad it was done and over with and will never, EVER re-do that durn block.... (never say "never"?!??)
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