I can't believe it! When I look outside at my yard, there is NO SNOW!! Well, not in my yard, anyway. The front of the houses across the street face north, so they still have some in their front yards. Maybe I have some in my backyard, but from the house I can't see it, so it's not there, right?? I'm so sick of the stuff and seeing no snow is so great! (Even if I know I really still have some in my yard.)
I got lots of sewing done today, but I'll show it later when I have the whole top put together. So instead of sewing stuff, I'll show you some mail stuff. I got 2 nice surprises today. First was a square from a monthly swap I'm in. It's Christmasy, so I can add it to the quilt top I'm trying to get together, in between the other projects I have going. Anyway, it's a beautiful block and will look wonderful with the others I have.
The second was a giveaway I won from Barb. She had a birthday giveaway, and since my birthday is in February, I was lucky enough to win. Look at the beautiful kichen towel she sent. It's such a lovely teapot with pretty little flowers. In addition, she sent this cute little heart ornament. Hearts have always reminded me of my birthday rather than Valentines Day.
Thank you ladies for the nice squishy surprises!
Purple Plan
1 day ago
Isn't the sun great? We closed in the porch on the back of our house in December and we haven't even been able to enjoy it because of all the cold weather.
Of course there is no snow if you can't see it!!!!!
Happy belated birthday.
Nice things you got in the mail....I love getting quilty things in the mail!!! I am enjoying not seeing snow, either....although the part of my yard that KEEPS snow for a long time is the part I have to see when I go out to my car. Other than that, I try not to look at that part of the yard right now. It should be ALL gone, though, if this weekend is as sunny and warm as they are predicting. YAY!!!
Glad you got yoru items!!
How lucky you are to get such cute little goodies....happy be-lated birthday;) Still love the blocks you are working on;)
Happy Quiltilng!!
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